How to prevent burnout before it starts?

Many of us have been in situations where w ebit more than we could chew or we overestimated our capacity. End result - we were sick, burnout, stressed, overwhelmed etc. We can prevent that from happening again by taking good care of ourselves. Preventing burnout involves adopting proactive strategies (or like we tell our clients, let’s create a roadmap, guidelines to never get to that place again) to maintain a healthy balance in your life. Here are some tips to prevent burnout before it takes hold:

  1. Set Boundaries: How good are you at establishing boundaries? We all need to find balance in our lives. In our quest, to be productive, to please others , to overachieve, to not miss out - we commit to, too much. What actually helps is establishing clear boundaries between work, personal life, and relaxation. Define specific work hours, and stick to them. Avoid bringing work into your personal time whenever possible. Ask yourself, when will i give myself time to relax and do nothing at all? Your body and brain need this re-set.

  2. Practice Time Management: Prioritize tasks and manage your time efficiently. Break tasks into smaller, manageable segments, and take regular breaks to prevent mental fatigue.

  3. Self-Care: Make self-care a priority. Exercise regularly, eat healthily, and ensure you get enough sleep. Engage in activities you enjoy and that help you relax. Consider implementing some DBT skills in life like DEAR MAN, GIVE, FAST. We regularly run monthly DBT skill groups.

  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Communicate your feelings and concerns with friends, family, or colleagues. Building a support system can help alleviate stress. Tell yourself that you aren’t a machine or superhuman. Embrace your humanness. In yoga philophy their is this perspective that we resonate with that says, ‘ I am nothing and I am everything.’

  5. Learn to Say No: Don’t take on more than you can handle. It’s okay to say no to additional tasks or responsibilities, especially if you're already feeling overwhelmed. Don’t worry that the other person will be offended or you will be seen as less than. It’s totally ok to say No.

  6. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practice mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation techniques to manage stress and stay centered.

  7. Take Regular Breaks: Incorporate short breaks throughout your workday to recharge. Stepping away from work, even for a few minutes, can enhance productivity and prevent burnout.

  8. Set Realistic and smart Goals: Establish realistic and achievable goals. Break larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps.

  9. Change your Perspective: Try to reframe your thinking. Instead of focusing solely on stressors, try to find the positive aspects of your work or situation. Using CBT skills to change our mindset can be game changer for many.

  10. Identify Warning Signs: Pay attention to the signs of burnout, such as decreased motivation, feeling drained, or increased irritability. Recognizing these signs early allows you to take action before burnout worsens.

Preventing burnout is an ongoing process. It's crucial to implement these practices consistently to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent burnout from taking hold. Now, go ahead and book that next vacation (actually or take a mental vacation) and allow yourself to rest and re-set.


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